About Autumn

Hello! I am so glad you are here! :)

I’m Autumn, and I would like to thank you for showing up for yourself today.

I have always wanted to create a non-judgmental, safe space for the younger generations. I know how important it is to feel seen, heard and most importantly to have someone you can open up to, trust and confide in. 

I know all too well how people try to confine us in a box and label us. Through The Adult Chair® model, we will peel back the layers and discover the authentic person and soul that has been trapped for too long.

As a child, I grew up in highly dysfunctional households, with divorced parents and a huge chaotic family. I grew up in a constant state of overwhelm. I had a fear of the unknown. I never knew if it was going to be a “good” or “bad” day. I never felt that there were trusted adults I could turn to in times of need.

There was a lot of yelling, screaming and abuse. I felt the need to tip-toe around the ones I loved the most..always taking care of everyone around me but myself. 

Transitioning into my adult life, I was led to believe that functioning relationships looked like the ones I grew up around. I myself was a part of unhealthy relationships filled with abuse: mentally, physically and sexually. Being as young as I was and not having a lot of guidance, I did not know how to cope with this. 

During this time of my life, I struggled with substance abuse and addiction. It felt like the only way to escape, the only way to have a moment of peace. Every day felt empty and hopeless, like I was stranded all alone in the dark.

Growing up with this type of trauma led me to live a life full of self-destruction, addiction, depression, people pleasing, codependency and a lack of boundaries and self-esteem. I hid behind a mask for a very long time.

A few years ago, I was introduced to my life coach. Being in my late teenage years, it was not something that was at the top of my priority list when I started, but that feeling didn’t last long. Once I saw the power of coaching, I began to fully indulge in this type of work. I was completely invested in learning to live a life I loved with a healthy mindset. It absolutely consumed me.

Through doing this work, I learned to love myself and put myself first. I discovered so many layers of trauma I never knew existed, and guess what!? I worked through them.

AND HELLO! I am a brand new woman over here! 

Once you accept your reality, it becomes limitless. This journey can be hard, but it is even harder to stay in the same place.

Now, I help other young women who feel disconnected, empty and lost bring the light back into their life. I KNOW I was put on this earth to be a life coach. My calling is to guide people down their path of healing, to help cultivate, transform and create a life they love to live. 

Please, allow me to give you the tools and the foundation to start your journey of healing! I will be with you every step of the way, and together, we will move mountains.

- Autumn

We know we were made for more.

We are here to blossom.

We are here to bloom.

We are here to Flourish! 

We only have one life; let's make it awesome!

Are you ready to create a powerful transition to evolve your life?

Are you yearning for change and growth but want to make sure it’s the right fit?

I offer a free 30-minute consultation to all new clients.

You can bring ANYTHING to the table! This 30-minute test drive is your time to ask questions and get a feel for my coaching style and the work we will accomplish together. We can create a connection and get to know each other!

Let’s sit down together to see if this is the right fit for you!